-> SACRAMENTS are not magic. A Sacrament is effective of itself, however, to be fruitful it must be accepted in faith. Sacraments not only presuppose faith, they also strengthen it and give expression to it. [1122-1126] Jesus commissioned the -> APOSTLES  first to make people disciples through their preaching, inContinue Reading

We need -> SACRAMENTS in order to outgrow our pretty human life and to become like Jesus through Jesus: children of God in freedom and glory. [1129] In Baptism the fallen children of men become cherished children of God; through -> CONFIRMATION  the weak become strong, committed Christians; through PenanceContinue Reading

LITURGY is always in the first place communion of fellowship with Jesus Christ. Every liturgy, not just the celebration of the Eucharist, is an Easter in miniature. Jesus reveals his passage from death to life  and celebrates it with us. [1085]   The most important -> LITURGY in the worldContinue Reading