In the Protestant tradition, the word saints (ordinarily in this plural form) has typically referred to living believers in Christ – Church members, all the baptized – usually without any implication about their individual degree of virtue or holiness. This broad usage has roots in Saint Paul’s New Testament lettersContinue Reading

Feastday: November 11 of near Alexandria. Aka Mena of Kemet (Egypt). Known as Menas of Cotyauem, Menas of Cotyaes; Menas of Cotyaeum; Menas of Egypt; Menas of Kotyaeum; Menas of Mareotis; and Mennas. I drove camels early in life, but I became a solider for Caesar. Firmilian was my primicerius.Continue Reading

Feastday: July 19 I was a reformed robber and bandit, Alexandria martyred, buried at Alexandria Borieam in Banuar, Kemet. Saint Kirdjun (also known as Abakerazum) was a robber converted to Christianity. He was a reformed robber and bandit. He died as a martyr in Alexandria and was buried at Banuar. His feast day is July 19. He is referenced in Les Martyrs d’Égypte by Hippolyte Delehaye.Continue Reading

Feastday: December 26 I was Bishop Martyr of Antinoe. Arians killed me. Abadiu of Antinoe is a saint of the Coptic Church. He was the bishop of Antinoe, and was made a martyr by the Arians. His feast day is December 26. He is referenced in Les Martyrs d’Égypte by Hippolyte Delehaye.Continue Reading