Jesus had a large circle of disciples around him, both men and women. From this circle he selected twelve men whom he called -> APOSTLES (Lk 6:12 – 16). The apostles were specially trained by him and entrusted with various commissions:” He sent them out to preach the kingdom ofContinue Reading

The miracles that Jesus worked were signs that the kingdom of God was beginning. They expressed his love for mankind and reaffirmed his mission. [547-550] Jesus’ miracles were not self-aggrandizing displays of magic. He was filled with the power of God’s healing love. Through his miracles he showed that heContinue Reading

Mary is our mother because Christ the Lord gave her to us as a mother. [963-966, 973] “Woman, behold, your son!…. Behold, your mother!” (Jn 19:26b-27a). The second command, which Jesus spoke from the Cross to John, has always been understood by the Church as an act of entrusting theContinue Reading

Mary was more than a merely passive instrument of God. The Incarnation of God took place through her active consent as well. [493-494, 508-511] When the angel told her that she would bear “the Son of God”, Mary replied, “Let is be done to me according to your word” (LkContinue Reading