No. Jesus is the only son of Mary in the physical sense. [500, 510] Even in the early Church, Mary’s perpetual virginity was assumed, which rules out the possibility of Jeus having brothers and sisters from the same mother. In Aramaic, Jesus’ mother tongue, there is only one word forContinue Reading

God willed that Jesus Christ should have a true human mother but only God himself as his Father, because he wanted to make a new beginning that could be credited to him alone and not to earthly forces. [484-504, 508-510] Mary’s virginity is not some outdated mythological notion but ratherContinue Reading

Jesus extends into God; therefore we cannot understand him if we exclude the invisible divine reality. [525-530, 536] The visible side of Jesus points to the invisible. We see in the life of Jesus numerous realities that are powerfully present but that we can understand only as a mystery. ExamplesContinue Reading

“For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven” (Nicene Creed) [456-460] In Jesus Christ, God reconciled the world to himself and redeemed mankind from the imprisonment of sin. “God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son” (Jn 3:16). In Jesus, God took onContinue Reading

“You call me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am” (Jn 13:13). [446-451, 455] The early Christians spoke as a matter of course about the Jesus as “Lord”, knowing that in the Old Testament this title was reserved as a form of addressing God. Through manyContinue Reading

The brief formula “Jesus is the Christ” expresses the core of the Christian faith: Jesus, the simple carpenters’s son from Nazareth, is the long-awaited Messiah and Savior. [436-440, 453] Both the Greek work “Christos” and the Hebrew word “Messiah” mean the “Anointed one”. In Israel kings, priests, and prophets wereContinue Reading