God alone, who is beyond time and space, created the world out of nothing and called all things into being. Everything that exists depends on God and continues in being only because God wills it to be. The creation of the world is, so to speak, a “community project” ofContinue Reading

No. God, not chance, is the cause of the world. Neither in its origin nor with respect to its intrinsic order and purposefulness is it the product of factors working “aimlessly”. Christians believe that they can read God’s handwriting in his creation. To scientists who talk about the whole worldContinue Reading

No. The sentence “God created the world” is not an outmoded scientific statement. We are dealing here with a theo-logical statement, therefore a statement about the divine meaning (theos = God, logos = meaning) and origin of things. The creation account is not a scientific model for explaining the beginningContinue Reading

“For God nothing is impossible” (see Lk 1:37). He is almighty. Anyone who calls on God in need believes that he is all-powerful. God created the world out of nothing. He is the Lord of history. He guides all things and can do everything. How he uses his omnipotence isContinue Reading

Jesus of Nazareth is the Son, the second divine person mentioned when we pray, “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:19) Jesus was either an imposter who made himself Lord of the SABBATH and allowed himself to be addressed withContinue Reading

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy TRINITY and has the same divine majesty as the Father and the Son. When we discover the reality of God in us, we are dealing with the working of the Holy Spirit. God sent “the Spirit of his Son intoContinue Reading

We revere God as Father first of all because he is the Creator and cares lovingly for hiscreatures. Jesus, the Son of God, has taught us, furthermore, to regard his Father as our Fatherand to address him as “our Father”. Several pre-Christian religions had the divine title “Father”. Even beforeContinue Reading

No. The fact that there are three persons (TRINITY) in one God is a mystery. We know only through Jesus Christ that God is Trinitarian. Men cannot deduce the fact that God is a Trinity by means of their own reason. They acknowledge, however, that this mystery is reasonable whenContinue Reading