->LITURGY is the official divine worship of the ->CHURCH. [1077-1112] A -> LITURGY is not an event that depends on good ideas and great songs. No one makes or invents a liturgy. It is something living that grew over millennia of faith. A Mass is a holy, venerable action. LiturgyContinue Reading

At the end of time, God will create a new heaven and a new earth. Evil will no longer have any power or attractiveness. The redeemed will stand face to face with God — as his friends. Their yearning for peace and justice will be fulfilled. To behold God willContinue Reading

The Last Judgment will take place at the end of the world, at the second coming of Christ. “All who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrectionContinue Reading

God does not damn men. Man himself is the one who refuses God’s merciful love and voluntarily deprives himself of (eternal) life by excluding himself from communion with God. [1036-1037] God yearns fro communion even with the worst sinner; he wants everyone to convert and be saved. Yet God createdContinue Reading

Hell is the condition of everlasting separation from God. the absolute absence of love. [1033-1037] Someone who consciously and with full consent dies in serious sin, without repenting, and refuses God’s merciful, forgiving love forever, excludes himself from communion with God and the saints. Our freedom makes that decision possible.Continue Reading

Purgatory, often imagined as a place, is actually a condition. Someone who dies in God’s grace (and therefore at peace with God and men) but who still needs purification before he can see God face to face is in purgatory. [1030-1031] When Peter had betrayed Jeses, the Lord turned aroundContinue Reading

Heaven is the endless moment of love. Nothing more separates us from God, whom our soul loves and has sought our whole life long. Together with all the angels and saints we will be able to rejoice forever in and with God. [1023-1026, 1053] If you have ever observed aContinue Reading