The so-called particular or personal judgment occurs at the moment of death of the individual. The general judgment, which is also called the Last Judgment, occurs on the Last Day, at the end of the world, when the Lord comes again. [1021-1022] In dying every man arrives at the momentContinue Reading

Eternal life begins with Baptism. It continues through death and will have no end. [1002] Even when we are simply in love, we want this state of affairs to last forever. “God is love”, says the First Letter of John (1 Jn 4:16). “Love”, says the First Letter to theContinue Reading

In death body and soul are separated. The body decays, while the soul goes to meet God and waits to be reunited with its risen body ont he Last Day. [992-1004, 1016-1018] How the resurrection will take place is a mystery. An image can help us to accept it: WhenContinue Reading

In Jesus Christ, God himself took on “flesh” (->INCARNATION) in order to redeem mankind. The biblical word “flesh” characterizes man in his weakness and mortality. Nevertheless, God does not regard human flesh as something inferior. God does not redeem man’s spirt only; he redeems him entirely, body and soul. [988-991,Continue Reading

Notre Dame

Yes, Jesus not only forgave sins himself, he also conferred on the -> CHURCH the mission and the power to free men from their sins. [981-983, 986-987] Through the ministry of the -> PRIEST, the penitent receives God’s forgiveness, and his guilt is wiped away as completely as if itContinue Reading

No. Only God can be worshipped. But we can revere Mary as the Mother of our Load. [971] By worship we mean the humble, unconditional acknowledgment of the absolute superiority of God over all creatures. Mary is a creature like us. In faith she is our Mother. And we shouldContinue Reading

Yes. Since the beginning of the Church, experience has taught that Mary helps. Millions of Christians testify to it. [967-970] Being the Mother of Jesus, Mary is also our Mother. Good mothers always stand up for their children. Certainly this Mother does. While still on earth she interceded with JesusContinue Reading