The “communion of saints” is made up of all men who have placed their hope in Christ and belong to him through Baptism, whether they have already died or are still alive. Because in Christ we are one Body; we live in a communion that encompasses heaven and earth. [946-962]Continue Reading


Bishops have responsibility for the local Church that is entrusted to them and a share in the responsibility for the whole -> CHURCH. They exercise their authority in communion with one another and for the benefit of the whole Church under the leadership of the -> POPE. [886-887, 893-896, 938-939]Continue Reading

Yes. But the -> POPE speaks infallibly only when he defines a dogma in a solemn ecclesiastical act(“ex cathedra”), in other words, makes an authoritative decision in doctrinal questions of faith and morals. Magisterial decisions of the college of bishops in communion with the Pope also possess an ecumenical council.[888-892]Continue Reading

As successor of St. Peter and head of the college of bishops, the -> POPE is the source and guarantor of the -> CHURCH’s unity. He has the supreme pastoral authority and the final authority in doctrinal and disciplinary decisions. [880-882, 936-937] Jesus gave Peter a unique position of preeminenceContinue Reading

Democracy operates on the principle that all power comes from the people. In the -> CHURCH, however, all power comes from Christ. That is why the Church has a hierarchical structure. At the same time, however, Christ gave her a collegial structure as well. [874-879] The hierarchical element in theContinue Reading

The -> LAITY are sent to engage in society so that the kingdom of God can grow among men. [897 – 913, 940-943] A lay person is not a second-class Christian, for he shares in the priestly ministry of Christ (the universal priesthood). He sees to it that the peopleContinue Reading