The -> CHURCH is called apostolic because she was founded upon the apostles, holds fast to their Tradition, and is governed by their successors. [857-860, 869, 877] Jesus called the -> APOSTLES to be his closest collaborators. They were his eyewitnesses. After his Resurrection, he appeared to them repeatedly. HeContinue Reading

The -> CHURCH respects everything in other religions that is good and true. She respects and promotes freedom of religion as a human right. Yet she knows that Jesus Christ is the sole redeemer of all mankind. He alone is “the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6).Continue Reading


Anyone who, in union with the -> POPE and the bishops, is united to Jesus Christ through profession of the Catholic faith and reception of the -> SACRAMENTS is in full communion with the Catholic Church. [836-838] God willed on -> CHURCH for all. Unfortunately we Christians have been unfaithfulContinue Reading

“Catholic” (Greek kat’holon) means related to the whole. The -> CHURCH is catholic because Christ called her to profess the whole faith, to preserve all the -> SACRAMENTS, to administer them and proclaim the Good News to all; and he sent her to all nations.[830-831, 849-856]Continue Reading


The church is holy, not because all her members are supposedly holy, but rather because God is holy and is at work in her. All the members of the Church are sanctified by Baptism.[823-829] Whenever we allow ourselves to be touched by the Triune God, we grow in love andContinue Reading

Christian Unity

In word and deed we must obey Christ, who expressly wills “that they may all be one” (Jn 17:21). [820-822] Christian unity is the business of all Christians, regardless of how young or old they are. Unity was one of Jesus’ most important concerns. He prayed to the Father, “thatContinue Reading

San Pietro, Roma

Just as there is only one Christ, there can be only one Body of Christ, only one Bride of Christ, and therefore only one -> CHURCH of Jesus Christ. He is the Head, the Church is the Body. Together they form the “whole Christ” (St. Augustine). Just as the bodyContinue Reading