
The founder of this people is God the Father. Its leader is Jesus Christ. Its source of strength is the Holy Spirit. The entryway to the People of God is Baptism. Its dignity is the freedom of the children of God. Its law is love. If this people remains faithfulContinue Reading

Cathedral Church

The Church is more than an institution because she is a -> MYSTERY that is simultaneously human and divine. [770-773, 779] True love does not blind a person but rather makes him see. With regard to the -> CHURCH, this is precisely the case: Viewed from outside, the Church isContinue Reading

Berlin Cathedral

The ->CHURCH’s task is to make the kingdom of God, which has already begun with Jesus, germinate and grow in all nations. [763-769, 774-776, 780] Wherever Jesus went, heaven touched earth: the kingdom of God was inaugurated, a kingdom of peace and justice. The -> CHURCH serves this kingdom ofContinue Reading

God wills the -> CHURCH because he wants to redeem us, not individually, but together. He wants to make all mankind his people. [758-781, 802-804] No one gets to heaven by the asocial route. Someone who thinks only about himself and the salvation of his own soul is living a-socially.Continue Reading

Notre Dame

The Greek word for -> CHURCH is “ekklesia” = those who are called forth. All of us who are baptized and believe in God are called forth by the Lord. Together we are the Church. Christ is, as Paul says, the Head of the Church. We are his body. [748-757]Continue Reading

Dove, Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit makes me receptive to God; he teaches me to pray and helps me to be there for others. [738-741] Augustines calls the Holy Spirit “The quiet guest of our soul”. Anyone who wants to sense his presence must be quiet. Often this Guest speaks very softly withinContinue Reading

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit builds up the -> CHURCH and impels her. He reminds her of her -> MISSION. He calls people into her service and sends them the necessary gifts. He leads us ever deeper into communion with the Triune God. [733-741, 747] Even though the Church during her longContinue Reading


Fifty days after his Resurrection, the Lord sent the Holy Spirit down from heaven upon his disciples. The age of the -> CHURCH began. [731-733] On Pentecost the Holy Spirit transformed fearful apostles into courageous witnesses to Christ. In a very short time, thousands had themselves baptized: it was theContinue Reading