St. Aba Mina

Feastday: November 11

of near Alexandria. Aka Mena of Kemet (Egypt). Known as Menas of Cotyauem, Menas of Cotyaes; Menas of Cotyaeum; Menas of Egypt; Menas of Kotyaeum; Menas of Mareotis; and Mennas.
I drove camels early in life, but I became a solider for Caesar.
Firmilian was my primicerius. The reign and terror of the persecutions of Diocletian, and co­ruler Maximian erupted.
I left the Imperial Army of Rome, and became a hermit. I was led to preach on one occasion. Through the authority of Pyrrhus, the local prefect, I was arrested for professing and teaching Christ, severely beaten, tortured, martyred at Cotyaes, Phrygia.
Miracles through the grace of God were ascribed to my place of repose. A large church building (called Basilica), became known as the

“Glory of the Libyan Desert”. Christian faithful buried me in Mareotis, Kemet(Egypt).

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