Q114 What role does the Holy Spirit play in the life of Jesus?

Pentecost, Holy Spirit

Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot understand Jesus. In his life the presence of God’s Spirit, whom we call the Holy Spirit, was manifest in a unique way. [689-691,702-731]

It was the Holy Spirit who called Jesus to life in the womb of the Virgin Mary(Mt1:18), endorsed him as God’s beloved Son (Lk 4:16-19), guided him (Mk 1:12) and enlivened him to the end (Jn 19:30). On the Cross, Jesus breathed out his Spirit. After his Resurrection, he bestowed the Holy Spirit on his disciples (Jn 20:22). At that the Spirit of Jesus went over to his Church:” As the Father has sent me, even so I send you”(Jn 20:21)

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