The Holy Spirit makes me receptive to God; he teaches me to pray and helps me to be there for others. [738-741]
Augustines calls the Holy Spirit “The quiet guest of our soul”. Anyone who wants to sense his presence must be quiet. Often this Guest speaks very softly within us and with us, for instance, in the voice of our conscience or through other interior and exterior promptings. Being a “temple of the Holy Spirit” means being there, body and soul, for the Guest, for God in us. Our body is therefore God’s living room, so to speak. The more receptive we are to the Holy Spirit in us, the more he becomes the master of our life, the sooner he will bestow on us even today his -> CHARISMS for the upbuilding of the Church. And so, instead of the -> WORKS OF THE FLESH, the -> FRUITS OF THE SPIRITĀ grow in us.