Q175 Why do the sacraments belong to the Chruch? Why cannont anyone use them however he wants?

-> SACRAMENTS are Christ’s gift to his Church. It is her duty to administer them and to protect them from misuse. [1117-1119, 1131]

Jesus entrusted his words and signs to specific men, namely, the apostles, who were to hand them on; he did not hand them over to an anonymous crowd. Today we would say: He did not post his inheritance on the Internet for free access but rather registered it under a domain name. Sacraments exist for the Church and Through the Church. They are for her, because the Body of Christ, which is the Church, is established, nourished, and perfected through the sacraments. They exist through her, because the sacraments are the power of Christ’s body, for example in confession, where Christ forgives our sins through the -> PRIEST.

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