Q92 Why did Jesus call apostles?

Jesus had a large circle of disciples around him, both men and women. From this circle he selected twelve men whom he called -> APOSTLES (Lk 6:12 – 16). The apostles were specially trained by him and entrusted with various commissions:” He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal”(Lk9:2). Jesus took only these twelve apostles with him to the Last Supper, where he gave them the command, “Do this in remembrance of me” (Lk22:19b).

The apostles became witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection and guarantors of the truth about him. They continued Jesus’ mission after his death. Tey chose successors for their ministry: the bishops. To this day, the successors of the apostles exercise the authority conferred by Jesus: They govern and teach and celebrate the liturgy.

The cohesiveness of the apostles became the foundation for the unity of the -> CHURCH (-> APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION). Preeminent once again among the Twelve was Peter, on whom Jesus bestowed special authority:” You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church” (Mt 16:18). From Peter’s special role among the apostles developed the papal ministry.

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