The right way to read Sacred Scripture is to read it prayerfully, in other words, with the help of the Holy Spirit, under whose influence it came into being. It is God’s Word and contains God’s essential communication to us. The BIBLE is like a long letter written by GodContinue Reading

“The books of Scripture firmly, faithfully, and without error teach [the] truth. . . . Written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author” (Second Vatican Council, DV 11). The BIBLE did not fall from heaven in its final form, nor did God dictate itContinue Reading

The faithful as a whole cannot err in faith, because Jesus promised his disciples that he would send them the Spirit of truth and keep them in the truth (Jn 14:17). Just as the disciples believed Jesus with their whole heart, a Christian can rely completely on the Church whenContinue Reading

We find the true faith in Sacred Scripture and in the living Tradition of the Church. The NEW TESTAMENT developed out of the faith of the Church. Scripture and Tradition belong together. Handing on the faith does not occur primarily through documents. In the early Church it was said thatContinue Reading

We hand on the faith because Jesus commands us: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19) No Genuine Christian leaves the transmission of the faith exclusively to specialists (teachers, pastors, missionaries). We are Christ for others. This means that every genuine Christian would like God to comeContinue Reading

Yes. Human reason can know God with certainty. The world cannot have its origin and its destination within itself. In everything that exists, there is more than we see. The order, the beauty, and the development of the world point beyond themselves toward God. Every man is receptive to whatContinue Reading